Juvenile Unit


The Juvenile Unit is dedicated to prosecuting all cases involving juvenile offenders in Lackawanna County. The Unit, under the leadership of District Attorney Mark Powell, also strives to provide assistance and guidance to the victims of juvenile offenders by offering them counseling, support and help in recouping restitution.

Following the guidelines set forth by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, the care, treatment, rehabilitation and supervision of all juvenile offenders under the county’s jurisdiction is the main responsibility of the Unit. Working with the county’s Juvenile Probation Department, as well as Juvenile Court personnel, each delinquency matter is handled individually with various considerations in mind. A balanced and restorative justice approach weighs the impact of the offense on the victim, the effect of the action on the community and the best interests and needs of the child who is before the court.

Great latitude is available in the Juvenile Justice System to treat the cause of the delinquent behavior and address any collateral issues that may be affecting the child. These problems often include difficulties at home, at school or with friends, or perhaps the use and abuse of illegal substances. To that end, a wide range of options are available in Juvenile Court. These include informal adjustments, consent decrees, intensive probation, Juvenile Treatment Court, graduated sanctions and truancy sanctions.

The Juvenile Unit handles between 600 and 700 cases per year. Juvenile offenses can rise to the level of misdemeanors and felonies, and can include such crimes as arson, rape, aggravated assault, theft, DUI, possession and distribution of drugs, and vandalism, among others. The Unit is involved in every aspect of these cases, including reviewing and approving charges that are presented by the arresting officer; meeting with and assisting both the victims and witnesses involved in the case; presenting evidence before the Court; and assisting in determining the best disposition for the juvenile offender.

The disposition, or sentencing, could range from a period of supervised probation to short-term detention or placement in a secure juvenile facility specializing in treating juvenile offenders. Staff also works closely with both Juvenile Probation and the court to determine the best “step down” program to provide the appropriate levels of care upon release from a facility in order to decrease the chance of a juvenile offending again.  

The Juvenile Unit staff often speaks at local grade schools and high schools about the effects and consequences of the Juvenile Justice System. They meet with PTA groups about the importance of parental participation in all aspects of a child’s life and by conducting various community service events. The staff also works closely with school resource officers and administrators to address issues unique to school-age children. The DA’s Office takes a proactive approach with the schools and community to deter potentially harmful and illegal delinquent behavior.